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Set up your availability & specific override times

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This tutorial shows you how to set default availabilities, override specific dates/times

and receive booking notifications, streamlining scheduling for both coaches and clients.


Easy Steps

GoXPro Availability Setup Tutorial
Step 1:
Access the coach app

As a coach, you can customise your availability directly in the settings of your coach app.

Step 2:
Open 'Settings'

Open your coach app and navigate to the 'Settings' tab.

Step 3:
Set up activity types and availability

When setting up your availability for the first time, go to the 'Activity Types' tab. Select the activities you want to offer your clients and save them. Please note that these activity types are set in Exerp. After this, head to the 'Availability Review' tab to set your available times.

Step 4:
Maximum booking window

At the top of the page, the maximum number of days in advance that bookings can be made by your clients is set by GoodLife's head office. If this feature is not blocked or disabled, avoid modifying it.

Step 5:
Set session buffer time

A buffer time between bookings is useful if you need to set up equipment or change training areas. This feature may be hidden or disabled, as the buffer time will be set by GoodLife's head office.

Step 6:
Configure default availability times

In the left column, you can now set default availability times that repeat weekly. Set the availability hours individually for each day by clicking the '+' button.

Step 7:
Choose the location

In the box just below, set the location for your sessions. This could be a club, a park, or another location.

Step 8:
Select available appointment types

The types of services you offer at this location and time can be selected here. In this demonstration, I've chosen to offer 60-minute coaching sessions.

Step 9:
Add availability

Click the 'Add' button to publish your availability.

Step 10:
Add split shifts

On Mondays, I do a split shift, so I want to add additional hours in the afternoon. To do this, click on the '+' button and set your hours (e.g., 2pm to 6pm).

Step 11:
Finalize default availability

I've now set my default availability for every Monday from 9am to 12pm and 2pm to 6pm at the same location. You can set different locations for different time blocks if needed.

Step 12:
Create overrides for specific days

To create overrides for specific days, click the '+' button. This allows you to modify times, appointment types, or locations.

Step 13:
Mark days as unavailable

To mark yourself as unavailable on a specific day, click the bin icon next to the hours, then click 'Add' to set this override in your calendar.

Step 14:
View client booking options

From their member's app, clients can now book appointments during your available hours and at your selected locations. If GoodLife has enabled this feature, clients will receive an SMS reminder before their session.

Step 15:
Instant updates & real-time adjustments

From their member's app, clients can now book appointments during your available hours and at your selected locations.

Step 16:
Save changes

Once you've set your default availabilities and specific day overrides, click the 'Save' button to publish everything.

Step 17:
Client view

Your clients will be able to see your available times and locations via their app. If enabled, clients will receive an SMS reminder before their booked session.

In this tutorial, we covered how to customize your availability settings in the GoXPro app.
