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Programs progression and Tracking Sessions

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In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to evolve your client's program at each session along their fitness journey. We will also show you how to use the session tracker to easily check on your client progression in certain exercises. Let's get started!

Easy Steps

GoXPro Program Progression Tutorial
Step 1:
Progression swim lanes

In your client folder under the programs tab, you’ll see the coached sessions swim lane for an evolving program. Coached sessions are shown in green, and the initial base program is in blue. Modify upcoming sessions as needed.

Step 2:
View the Initial program

Click the "View" button to enter the initial program.

Step 3:
Program overview
  • Click the thumbnails to zoom in on exercise images.
  • Click the X button to close them.
Step 4:
Upcoming coached session

The upcoming session is based on the last coached session. You can modify or change it by clicking "Create plan."

Step 5:
Solo sessions swim lane

Click the Solo button to see solo sessions, which are the sessions your client has done alone using the same or a different program.

Step 6:
Modify upcoming sessions
  • Click "Create plan" or
  • Click "Create a Solo-specific plan" to change or replace the program for upcoming sessions.
Step 7:
Create a solo-specific plan

Click "Create a SOLO-specific plan" if your client is training alone. This is useful for home workouts, holiday training, or clients with basic needs.

Step 8:
Choose a category of program templates
  • From the dropdown, select a category from which to choose a pre-built program template.
  • These categories include past coached sessions, GoXPro templates, or your private templates.
Step 9:
Add SOLO plan

Once you’ve selected a template, click "Create SOLO plan" based on this template.

Step 10:

The program has been added. Modify exercises or their parameters if needed, or return to the programs tab if you're satisfied.

Step 11:
Program visible in client app

All exercise parameters will be visible to the client in their app, available on iOS, Android, or the web version.

Step 12:
Session Tracker - Multi Week Program

The session tracker shows the client’s progression for a Multi Week Program. The tracker provides a calendar view of missed, completed, or upcoming sessions.

This guide covered the steps to navigate and use GoXPro's programming structure. You now know how to create, view, and modify plans, access templates, and track your client’s progress efficiently!
