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How to set up a Fitness Challenge

The GoXPro platform offers two types of challenges:

  • Fitness Challenges that revolve around activities and exercises,
  • Body Transformation Challenges that focus on client transformation, generally about reducing fat and gaining muscle.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through setting up a Fitness Challenge, covering everything from naming the challenge to selecting criteria and activities. By following these steps, you can efficiently create engaging Fitness Challenges for Personal Training clients as well as gym members.


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Easy Steps

Click "Configuration"

In the M.A.D, access the configuration settings.

Click "Challenges"

Navigate to the challenges section.

Click "Add"

Begin adding a new challenge.

Name your challenge

Start with a challenge name.

Enter Challenge name

Enter a challenge name, for example, "Push-Up Challenge September."

Decide on Challenge Tagline

Decide on a challenge tagline. Make sure it is short and snappy as this will appear on the leaderboard underneath the challenge name.

Select start and end date for the challenge

Select the date field.

Click "Add"

Begin adding a new challenge.

Click between Simple and Staggered Start

When choosing the staggered option, you can decide on a specific sign-up period during which clients can enrol in the challenge.

Choose Sign-up period

Choose your date for the sign-up period. In this case, we have chosen the 2 weeks before the month when the challenge starts.
As an end date, you could choose a specific date for everyone to finish the challenge (or have their last attempt recorded). Alternatively, you could choose to end the challenge a certain number of days after sign-up or a certain number of days after their first attempt. You might opt for these options for Body Transformation challenges, which we will cover in another tutorial.

Choose Challenge Goal

Choose the goal for your challenge.

Select your Challenge activity

Choose from a range of activities or add your own (this
feature will be available later in the year).

Challenge protocol

Describe the protocol for your challenge.

Notes to Coach

Describe the protocol for your challenge.

Select Definition of Best

Select the "Definition of Best" for your challenge.

Choose Clubs

If you manage multiple clubs, select the clubs where you want to run this challenge.

Choose Leaderboard type

If you have administrative rights over multiple clubs, choose whether the leaderboard will be limited to specific clubs individually or shared amongst all clubs.

Click "Create"

Finalize and create the challenge.

Admin view of the Leaderboard

Challenge Stats

These statistics will give managers valuable insights into which challenges attract which demographic.

Fitness Challenge Leaderboard

The leaderboard for a Fitness Challenge is best showcased on a smart TV. When a new attempt by a participant is logged into the GoXPro app, the participant will move up the leaderboard based on their ranking. On the right, you can see any participants outside of the top 10 ranked, as well as any participants who haven't made an attempt yet. For a step-by-step guide on how to cast your leaderboard to a smart TV, watch our tutorial on this topic.

This guide covered setting up a Fitness Challenge in the GoXPro platform, including configuring challenge details, selecting activities, defining criteria and finalizing the challenge creation.